Sunday, August 28, 2011

Words of Wisdom

Some people believe that with age comes wisdom. Like if you manage to not get yourself killed within a certain time frame, suddenly you're 'wise'. I wonder what other ridiculous things those people believe.

Merriam-Webster defines wisdom as:
a : accumulated philosophic or scientific learning : knowledge
b : ability to discern inner qualities and relationships : insight
c : good sense : judgment

So what do acquiring knowledge, developing insight, and exercising good judgment have in common? The prerequisite characteristic is the ability to PAY ATTENTION. Some aspects of wisdom are understanding human nature and learning to look at problems and situations from all different angles.

Another common error is to equate wisdom with goodness. Don't make that mistake. Consider this: people who hold positions of authority got where they are by, among other things, paying attention and gaining wisdom. What they do with that power and authority may be evil or self-serving.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Did I mention I Live In Tennessee?

My ninth grade American Civics teacher was insane. I mean literally. He would spend the better part of the class period some days carrying on a lively discussion with himself or the nearest light fixture, whichever struck his fancy. Years later I read where he killed himself. So I mean all the way crazy. But even that guy could have figured out what's wrong with this -

Before I go any further, please let me make clear that I believe in God, Jesus, and the ten commandments. I also believe that it was God's will from the creation of man that we should have free will. I firmly believe that life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are God-given rights that should belong to one and all. I believe it is not for any individual or group to judge the moral and spiritual correctness of any individual or group. And I most heartily believe that what I believe, what you believe, what anyone believes, cannot and must not inform the decisions of our courts of law.

I do not believe that a group of student athletes choosing to have a prayer before a game violates the concept of keeping church and state separate. I do not believe keeping 'under God' in the Pledge of Allegiance violates that concept. But to prominently display scripture taken directly from the religious literature of a specific religion, in a place where people are summoned under the law, or where they go to seek justice...I think it is a blatant disregard for the US Constitution and the word of God.

I'm sure many churches in this area are celebrating this as a 'victory'. I'm praying for those folks to see it for what it really is.